Tenant Rights and Responsibilities Workshop


Has your landlord: Treated you unfairly or discriminated against you because you were born in another country? Asked about your citizenship or immigration status? Treated you unfairly because you have children? If so, please come join us for a FREE workshop that will teach you to protect your rights as a renter. Zoom ID: 735 […]


Tenant Rights and Responsibilities Workshop – Spanish


Taller gratis sobre los Derechos y las Responsabilidades delInquilino El propietario: ¿Le ha tratado injustamente o discriminado porque usted nació en otro país? ¿Le ha preguntado sobre su ciudadanía o estado de inmigración? ¿Le ha tratado injustamente porque tienes hijos? ¡Si esto aplica acompáñanos a un taller para aprender más! Zoom ID: 735 332 6369 […]


2022 Housing Conference

Riverside Convention Center 3637 Fifth Street, Riverside, CA, United States

The Fair Housing Council of Riverside County, Inc. (FHCRC) will host the 2022 Housing Conference on Wednesday, April 27, 2022 in honor of National Fair Housing Month. The Housing Conference not only commemorates the accomplishments made in Fair Housing, it also brings together community nonprofits, government officials, lenders, builders, developers, policymakers, housing providers, Realtors and […]

Thanksgiving Basket Giveaway

Mission Heritage Plaza 3933 Mission Inn Avenue, Riverside, CA, United States

Fair Housing Thanksgiving Giveaway will be located at the Mission Heritage Plaza. You must pre-register starting October 12, 2022 Riverside & Jurupa Valley Residents (92501-92509) Sign up by telephone only (951) 682-6581 Ask for Juanita (extension 103) First Come First Served Download Flyer

Virtual Town Hall Series


2022 Virtual Town Hall Series  Discussion, exchange experiences, knowledge, provide innovation, and learn about the latest topics in housing. Topics  Discuss transitional housing for persons who are suffering from housing insecurity due to housing shortages, housing discrimination and stigmas often associated with persons who are or were formerly homeless. Participants will also learn about identifying […]


Virtual Town Hall Series


2022 Virtual Town Hall Series  Discussion, exchange experiences, knowledge, provide innovation, and learn about the latest topics in housing. Topics  Discussing the current rental housing challenges due to expiring rental housing assistance programs, evictions and to provide updates in the upcoming laws for 2023. FHCRC will discuss best practices and strategies for housing providers to […]


Virtual Town Hall Series


2022 Virtual Town Hall Series  Discussion, exchange experiences, knowledge, provide innovation, and learn about the latest topics in housing. Topics  Discuss room and board options for persons who are extremely low income, often homeless or displaced due to a mental or physical disability. FHCRC will also discuss how housing discrimination impacts room and boards because […]


Virtual Town Hall Series


2022 Virtual Town Hall Series  Discussion, exchange experiences, knowledge, provide innovation, and learn about the latest topics in housing. Topics  Discussing the current rental housing challenges due to expiring rental housing assistance programs, evictions and to provide updates in the upcoming laws for 2023. FHCRC will discuss best practices and strategies for housing providers to […]
